The rhizomorph: a vaguely biology apparition
Filed under: art Tagged: fractals, IFS, Mandelbulb
View ArticleBig science and grant-driven science and how discoveries are made
When we were young some we had made some scientific discoveries that we described to the elders around us. They were unable to make any sense of it but had an intuitive feel that there might be...
View ArticleThe crows and the parasitic koel: a kavi’s take
In saMskR^ita literature we have come across multiple references to the brood parasitic behavior of the koel (Eudynamys). One good verse in this regard is that by the kavi vallaNa. We do not know much...
View ArticleThe moment of silence
In the days long past, when we were still young, we did not like the 15th Aug holiday very much – it was not really a full holiday for we had to attend school for a few hours of faux patriotism. One of...
View ArticleA brief note on haramiyidans and the Mesozoic radiation of the mammals
Mammals have a longer history in the “age of the dinosaurs” (Mesozoic) than in the “age of the mammals” (Cenozoic). However, much of the Mesozoic history of the mammals remains obscure, not in small...
View ArticleThe terror of the ergative and such thoughts
In our youth we were confronted with the prospect of learning two New Indo-Aryan languages, namely Hindi and Marathi. All around us were native speakers of the latter language. Several of them were...
View ArticleVaguely biological: The lemniscate echinodermomorph
Filed under: art Tagged: fractals, Mandelbulb, virtual echinoderm
View ArticlevidhinA avarodhita
ChitvA pAsham apAsya kUTa-rachanAM bha~NktvA balAd vAgurAM paryastAgni-shikhA-kalApa-jaTilAn niHsR^itya dUraM vanAt | vyAdhAnAM sharagocharAd atijavenotplutya gachChan mR^igaH kUpAntaH patitaH karoti...
View ArticleThe basis for philosophy in science, especially biology
We did not want to write this epistle since we have said things along these lines a few times before and said even more of it to our friends. Richard Dawkins had once said something like philosophers...
View ArticleTranslating an ancient mantra: R^igveda 2.34.09
Sometimes translating even a single vaidika mantra can take some effort. In large part this is due to three factors: 1) The vocabulary- there are several words that have become otiose in classical...
View ArticleThe beauty in lurking death: A virtual contagion
Filed under: art Tagged: fractal, icosahedron, IFS, Mandelbulb, Menger sponge, virus
View ArticleThe box
We raced up the metal rungs of the tall ladder which led to the bracket atop which sat the great water tank. There, ensconced from the spying eyes we did not know how much time passed in embraces and...
View ArticleThe tale of the two classes of vaNij-s
It is with some trepidation that we discuss the vaNij-s for, belonging to the head of the puruSha, we are removed from the arts and the ways of theirs. But this is more a discussion on how their...
View ArticleAnatomy and heavens in the boomorphic universe
The bovine species lay at the center of the existence of the early Indo-Aryan. After all he owed his very success in history to the strength of milk. Hence, rather appropriately payas means both milk...
View ArticleThe great drying
The great drying Like the ikShvAku-s bound by the rakShas, like bhIma neutralized by the cast of dice, like rAma stopped by the lord of the armies, like abhimanyu felled by the kuru hosts, within us...
View ArticleEphemeral Hexads
Filed under: art Tagged: 6-fold symmetry, dye mixing, Generative Art, Silk
View ArticleThe affinities of the phorusrhacids and the second attempt of the dinosaurs
For about 150 million years, during the Mesozoic, archosaurs of the ornithodiran (panaves) clade dominated terrestrial and aerial ecosystems. Brushing aside several extinction events they not just...
View ArticleA case for avairAgyaM?
The teacher had renounced worldly life and become a saffron-robed yati. He was teaching the installation of the awful gaNesha for the vara-chaturthi rite. In course of that he provided mantra-s that...
View ArticleSome reflections on the Khans Qaidu and Du’a and the great Khan’s lost legacy
Prolog In our youth we spent an inordinate amount of time reveling in intricacies of history that few around us really cared for. Not unexpectedly, a girl told us that she was shocked that we took...
View ArticleA Greco-Semitic Apollonian ritual and the heathen assimilation of...
Many turns of the sun ago, when we landed on the shores of the krau~ncha continent, we were politely informed by the mlechCha-s that our Indian degrees were not really worth their name. While we were...
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