The successors of the kaunteya-s in the national memory of bhArata-s and...
As per the mahAbharata, the great war on the kuru field came to a conclusion with the smashing of duryodhana’s thighs by bhIma. While balarAma wanted kill bhIma for unfairly defeating the kuru prince...
View ArticleThe verse of the sword
chitrabandha-s are widely represented in classical works on kAvya. The bandha-s of the form of the sword find mention in agni-purANa, the kAvyAlaMkAra of rudraTa and the praise of chaNDI by the other...
View ArticleSome comments of on the vyapohana stava and its pantheon
The vyapohana stava is an important saiddhAntika purificatory incantation. It may be compared with other works composed by deshika-s of the Urdhvasrotas such as: 1) the vyomavApistava of the Kashmirian...
View ArticleThe cairn beyond the crag
It was the an early Indian summer morning. The type that makes one rise rapidly from bed rather than remain tucked in like the mornings in the cold northern lands. Vidrum had arisen from his bed and...
View ArticleThe teaching of the yamoghaNTa
She said that she was shoNitamekhalA, the barmaid from the glorious oDDiyAna. We excitedly asked her teaching of the amaraugha. She said: somAkhyaH pathena gachChati | hAlApIvI devadattaM pathena...
View ArticleIdiosyncratic synesthetic experiences in some trivial trigonometric identities
Mathematical objects, despite existing in a purely abstract “Platonic” realm, have the ability (perhaps by the very virtue of their Platonic idealism) to produce synesthetic experiences. We have often...
View ArticleSome notes on the extra-military aspects of the Islamo-Hindu confrontation
Under the modern Indian practice of secularism it is common to hold the view that Mohammedanism and the sanAtana dharma can come close together to forge something termed as the Indian identity. Abroad,...
View ArticleThe erotic, the warlike and the imperial in the tantra age
The primary paurANika text of the shrI-kula tradition is the famed lalitopAkhyAnam, which is tagged to the brahmANDa purANam. The text describes the exploits of the central deity of the shrI-kula...
View ArticleA mysterious verse of a siddha
The siddha tirumUlar or sundarnAtha is supposed to have journeyed from Kashmir to the Tamil country to teach a distinctive flavor of the shaiva mantramArga, which is encapsulated in his famous but...
View Articleparjanya
Filed under: art, Heathen thought Tagged: cloud, fractal, Generative Art, mantra, parjanya, Rigveda, vedic
View ArticleThe fractal Arbelos and a parallel in a square
Filed under: art Tagged: arbelos square, context free, fractals, Generative Art
View ArticleThe great drying
Like the ikShvAku-s bound by the rakShas, like bhIma neutralized by the cast of dice, like rAma stopped by the lord of the armies, like abhimanyu felled by the kuru hosts, within us were diversely...
View ArticlebhR^igu smR^iti
We provide below a translation of the proto-scientific section of bhR^igu smR^iti along with a comparative analysis vis-a-vis Miletian school of Greeks: Translation of the bhR^igu smR^iti 1-4 We are...
View ArticleThe first responders and paradox of Maoism
We have to admit that there is nothing very new in these episodic geopolitical musings; nevertheless, we engage in revisiting these themes for it is perhaps away of registering the connection between...
View ArticleSome sketches of Indian wild life in vidyAkara’s anthology
sAndra-sthUla-naloparodha-viShamAH shakyAvatArAH puras toyottIrNa-nivR^itta-nakra-jaThara-kShuNNa-sthalI-vAlukAH | vyakta-vyAghra-padA~Nka-pa~Nkti-nichitonmudrArdra-pa~NkodarAH saMtrAsaM janayanti...
View ArticleThe alien seeks to belong
barbarin was born in an indigent brAhmaNa household. They lived just beyond a sprawling slum in an area where the Mogols had formerly camped during their final struggle with the mahArATTa-s for that...
View ArticleSome discussion on the Siberian conquests of the Mongols and the Ainu in history
In 1207 CE, after Chingiz Khan had been proclaimed as the sole ruler of all Mongolia, he decided to decisively settle outstanding military issues. In 1204 CE he had sent an exploratory force to subdue...
View ArticleWise viShNusharman’s vignette on biological warfare
brahmA rudraH kumAro hari-varuNa-yamA vahnir indraH kuberash chandrAdityau sarasvaty-udadhi-yuga-nagA vAyur urvI-bhuja~NgAH | siddhA nadyo .ashvinau shrIr ditir aditi-sutA mAtarash chaNDikAdyA vedAs...
View ArticleThe first farmers
nIchaiH khananty asurA arusrANam idaM mahat | tad AsrAvasya bheShajaM tad u rogam anInashat || Deep down the Asura-s bury this great healer of wounds: that is the drug for diarrhea, which verily...
View ArticleThe engineer, the dead fish and the bag of earth.
Lootika had wound up her fieldwork. While her group was not much interested, she somehow convinced them to go with her to the shrine of shAmalAjI. To its north lay some derelict shrines, which had been...
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