kumAra gAthA
jaya atula-shakti dIdhiti pi~njara | bhuja-daNDa-chaNDa-raNa-rabhasa | sura-vadana kumuda-kAnana-vikAsanendo kumAra | jaya ditija-kula-mahodadhi-vaDavAnala | ShaNmukha madhura-rava-mayUra-ratha |...
View ArticleSome anti-Astika stories of the jaina-s
The nAstika-s, smarting from their poor performance relative to the sanAtana-dharma, resorted to several distinct tactics: imitation, appropriation and distortion. But one of the problems they faced...
View ArticleA record of the nAstika attack on hi~NgulA
Hindu historical tradition holds that bauddha-s of the sindhu had made common cause with the the Arab marUnmatta-s as they launched invasion after invasion into jambudvIpa. This is not entirely...
View ArticleVignettes of the wisdom of the kuru and the pa~nchAla
The defining element of our identity was the formation of the rAShTra by the kuru and the pa~nchAla, the foremost of the bhArata clans. It is the legacy of this rAShTra of the bhArata-s, rather than...
View ArticleApe and monkey
*For the purposes of this note the word ape means all animals closer to or within the clade containing the gibbon and man than to the clade containing the langur and the macaque. Monkey means all...
View ArticleThe desert
The triangle of the Swan, the Eagle and the bright-eyed vulture had mountained the inky heavens. Seeing that it was late valsha decided to lay himself to rest on his litter. His body was racked with...
View ArticleA brief rant on the Indian political system
The coming elections in the secular, socialist, democratic republic of India certainly seem to be a rather important fork in the road. A member of the clan mentioned that an exuberant Hindu politician...
View ArticleTime, world history, or the lack thereof
Many years ago in our old home we came across a book won by the bhArgava-trasadasyau in a contest that had the autobiographies of many a Euro-American figure. At that point we were impressed by certain...
View ArticleThe songs of shunaHshepa and nArada
In the nocturnal ritual of the soma rite 27th and 28th sAmavedic stuti-s are described below. These songs are sung sometime between 12.30-1.00 AM. The sAmavedic mantra-s have the following musical...
View ArticleComputational driftwood
The above object is a gnarled piece of driftwood. Only that it never floated in the sea and exists only in the virtual realm – a pure mathematical abstraction – a combination of three functions. Some...
View ArticleThe sixth cycle of samarAichcha kahA: a vaNija tradition
The jaina AchArya haribhadra sUri collected a series of old tales and presented them in a didactic form for emphasizing jaina principles in the novel known as the samarAichcha kahA. It was written in a...
View ArticlesusmeratayA saha saMmelana
Holding a trident he arrived at the great smashANa at the foot of kollagiri from the subterranean temple of nR^isiMha where he had practiced the mantra of the adhomukha. It was in the midst of a storm:...
View ArticleThe mayAbheda sUkta: a discursion
In the great pravargya ritual the mAhAvIra pot containing the milk of a cow and a goat, i.e. the gharma offering, is intensely heated until it starts glowing. When the pot starts glowing the hotar...
View ArticleVirtual viruses and virtual cell lysis
Filed under: art Tagged: art and science, cell lysis, fractals, icosahedron, IFS, Mandelbulb, simulating life, virus
View ArticleThe fake scientist
He was born in the Gangetic doab in a clan of vaNija-s. He had inherited the skill honed by centuries of selection in business transactions of “cracking the situation”. However, he did not have deep...
View ArticleDinosaurian endothermy
Modern dinosaurs are endothermic but were the extinct Cenozoic dinosaurs endothermic? If so were the Mesozoic dinosaurs endothermic? Modern mammals are endothermic, were the extinct Cenozoic mammals...
View ArticlekumAra chakra with the twelve dreadful goddesses
The account of the mantra practice of these kaumAra goddesses was originally intended as part of the great skanda vrata. Given that that might take a while to complete, and that these goddess might be...
View ArticlekhilonmAda-charchA
Visualize a situation where a plasmid encoding a bacteriocin infects a bacterium. This bacteriocin kills all other conspecifics (to the extent we can define a conspecific in bacteria). Consequently,...
View ArticleA Sayyid kills a Kashmirian yogin
The Kashmirian brAhmaNa jonarAja wrote a rAjataraMgiNi describe the rule of various Moslem tyrants in Kashmira after the end of Hindu rule. He is rather laudatory in his description of the Sultan Zayn...
View ArticleA brief note on prahlAda, hiraNyakashipu and an early nArasiMhAkhyAna
The daitya-s prahrAda/prahlAda and virochana are known in the veda itself. The killing of prahlAda and his clan by indra in a battle in the high heavens is alluded to in more than one post-RV vaidika...
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