The Indo-Australian connection thickens
The arrival of the European Christians in Australia was a catastrophic event for the aboriginal peoples of that island. They never recovered from that encounter and today eke out a shambolic and...
View ArticleSome notes on the shaiva temple celebrations and an excursus on the fishing,...
An integral aspect of the life of the post-Vedic Hindu community was participation in the temple celebrations. It was considered highly beneficial in the tAntrika tradition, both to the individual and...
View ArticleSome musings on the age of the ichthyosaurs
Ichthyopterygia (colloquially ichthyosaurs in this note), like many other reptilian clades, is well known to the lay reader but remains mysterious in terms of its origin. The ichthyosaurs first appear...
View ArticleThe end of the heathens
In 438 BCE the 12 meter image of the great goddess Athena made by the foremost of the yavana idol makers, Pheidias under the patronage of Perikles was installed at the Acropolis in Athens. It was built...
View ArticleLavers versus vajrAchArya: was a unicorn really there?
Most students of Indian archeology and history are very familiar with an animal called the unicorn on the seals of the IVC/SSVC. According to one census they are present on 1159 seals collected from...
View ArticleThe lesson of arjuna
The third paNDava, as an impetuous warrior, the embodiment of the great indra on earth gave a powerful lesson to his brother yudhiShThira when urged by his wife yAj~nasenI. The pith of this lesson is...
View ArticleThe strange case of a person from South Carolina: Revisiting human archaism...
It was in the year yuvan, which we were passing through for the first time in our life, when skanda freed us from the vile dasyu who was tailing us for a while. In the city of the great dancers our...
View ArticleC/2011 L4 (PAN-STARRS)
On the shuklapakSha prathamI of the month of phAlguna in the year nandana, 5113 of the kaliyuga, a shvetaketu-putra was sighted by us .625 muhUrta-s after sunset. The shikhin was in the quarter of...
View ArticleBeetles and men: some glimpses of history through the contemporary lens
The tale of poisoned arrows The bushmen clans generally used to not fight each other because most adult males are armed with arrows that have been smeared with deadly toxins. However, when from the...
View ArticleSome further notes on the Mongol religion
The young Mongol scholar Dorje Banzar, published a book in 1846 in Russian at the university of Kazan that brought to light for the first time the old religion of the Mongols to the scholarly world. In...
View ArticleThe Euro-American academic system: few more thoughts
The neglect of human sociobiology Our intellectual tradition: non-existent, decadent, or congenitally dilute? One may see the following as rollovers from the above. As we have stated before on these...
View ArticlePlatonic cnidaria, brachiolaria and tornaria
Filed under: art Tagged: 3D Julia, aesthetics, Mandelbulb, Platonic ideals
View ArticlerudrAkSha-s from the shuddha-bhuvanAdhvan-s or Platonic viruses
Filed under: art Tagged: fractals, icosahedron, IFS, Mandelbulb, mental images, Platonic ideals, rudrAkSha, virus
View ArticlerudrAkSha-s from the shuddha-bhuvanAdhvan-s or Platonic viruses
Based on the Icosahedron mated with the Mandelbulb of power 8 Its dual, the Dodecahedron, mated with the Mandelbulb of power 8 Filed under: art Tagged: dodecahedron, fractals, icosahedron, IFS,...
View ArticleChinese incursion of 2013: Just the beginning?
Hindus face three major civilizational threats – two from the Abrahamisms, the religions of peace and love, and one from the legalistic Han imperialism. The assault from the religion of love is...
View ArticleA brief note on spies, subversionists, white indologists and “regional studies”
While today the US, as the leader of the leukosphere, is renowned for its intelligence and subversion operations all over the world, it has acquired this capability in a relatively recent in historical...
View ArticleA Hindu polemic against the pretamata
When the English gained ascendancy after the defeat of the marATha-s and the sikh-s they had gained military control over India but they knew well that their hold was still tenuous. Hence, in the...
View ArticleA brief note on the Spitzer manuscript and related issues
In his famed kAvya the buddhacharita, ashvagoSha states that when the tathAgata was about to renounce the world he had an “akShaya-dharma-jAta-rAgaH”, i.e., a “passion” of the indestructible dharma was...
View ArticleghaTotkacha
In mahAbharata the fiercest fighting takes place on the 14th day and vyAsa excels himself in the description of this awe-inspiring conflict of the kuru field. After the killing of jayadratha by arjuna...
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