Lessons from the past: A look at the earliest Mohammedan invasions of Central...
First published at IndiaFacts: http://www.indiafacts.co.in/isis-caliphate-lessons-earliest-mohammedan-invasions-central-asia/ By the 1000CE the Turks were already on their way to becoming the primary...
View ArticleThe legend of king hayagrīva
First published at IndiaFacts After the great war at kurukṣetra and the conquest of hastināpura, yudhiṣṭhira went through a phase of deep despondency. Given his pacific nature, he was immensely...
View ArticleThe fifth story
Perhaps we should not be expending our extra-professional writing time on such stories; however, a long conversation with kauṇḍinyā after a long time since she left for the trivarga-deśa incited us to...
View ArticleThe Mandel-diamond: crystals emerge from an amorphous background
A closer look at realms within this “Terra Mysterium” Crystals by the shore-line: Crystals in the crevice – realm of craters: Filed under: art Tagged: fractal, fractals, Mandelbulb
View ArticlePartitions, perforations and tilings
We are “geometric” in our thinking – perhaps, we are hence a little more Greek or the old type Arya than the later Hindu (who is more algebraic) in mentality. Long back in college we were fascinated by...
View ArticleSome vignettes on the provenance of the Mogol tyrants
Published first in a slightly modified form at IndiaFacts In the autumn of 1404 CE Timur-i lenk, after having spread the terror of Islam all over Asia for more than three decades, was poised to launch...
View ArticleA geopolitical segment: the news-traders
We have earlier proposed on these pages the postulates of the first responders and the preta-rākṣasābhisaṃdhi. These, together with the peculiar consequence of much of our elites’ vyavahāra happening...
View ArticleThe domain of India according to bhāskararāya-makhīndra
bhāskararāya was one of the greatest mantravādin-s of all times, who perhaps was only rivaled by the illustrious abhinavagupta or aghoraśiva deśika, who in times closer to our own was verily like how a...
View ArticlePolycentrism, the many-one problem and the roots of yoga
An updated version of our earlier ramblings first published at: http://www.indiafacts.co.in/polycentrism-many-one-problem-roots-yoga/ One of the central problems Hindus face on the intellectual...
View ArticleThe monophyly of euryapsids and the radiation of marine reptiles after the...
This brief note might be read as a continuation of this one. Phylogeny by Motani et al As noted in the epistle linked above, the possibility of the monophyly of euryapsids, sometimes termed...
View ArticleBattle of the agents
It was the last day of school and the exams were to begin at the start of the next week. Following their parents stern instructions, Jhilleeka and Varoli decided not hangout after school and were...
View ArticleSubhas Chandra Bose: An autobiographical reminiscence
By the time we were between the seven and eight years of age we had acquired some elements of the history our people from our parents: We knew of the coming of the ārya-s and the relationship of...
View ArticleThe ditty of the desert road
He who eats once is a tyāgin; He who eats twice is a yogin; He who eats thrice is a bhogin; And he who eats four times a day is verily destined to be a rogin! Some find rest by going home, Some find...
View ArticleSome trivia on equilateral triangles and the like
One may ask why one needs to revisit elementary geometry that was usually studied at secondary school. The simple answer is it is a good recreation. But it is not like any recreation, because it also...
View ArticleNotices of Hūṇa-s in kāvya and an excursus on their origins and ethnicity
This article was originally published in a slightly modified form at IndiaFacts. Starting sometime shortly before 200BCE all the way down to the 7th century of the common era, there occurred a series...
View ArticleThe caves
The exam to qualify for pre-university college was just over and a long vacation lay ahead. Vidrum was drained by the huge mental effort he had put into the exams to earn a seat at a respectable...
View ArticleComet Lovejoy, C/2014 Q2
On pauṣa kṛṣṇapakṣa 11, kali 5115 (16th Jan 2015) around 8.10 PM, braving the cold of the height of winter (felt like -5°C) we caught sight of śvetaketu in the constellation of Taurus near the 6...
View ArticleThe alien cave of metallic brachiopods
Filed under: art Tagged: Amazing Box, fractals, Mandelbulb
View ArticleSome notes on the rise of Oirat power and the Jangar tuuli
After 1370 CE the power of the Qubilaid Mongols declined precipitously leaving Mongolia in chaos, with several contenders jostling for supremacy but none gaining any ground. As they were fighting each...
View ArticleThe Indian republic and the microcosm of social media
We have spent most of our adult life in a world connected by the internet. It offers a few opportunities, which were largely absent in the world before it, though it must be emphasized that these come...
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