A rambling talk we had given on the śaiva tradition. Talking is easier but less precise than writing. So please be aware of the insufficiency that goes with the domain of any talk while perusing this material.
Part 1 (introduction to mantra-s and pāśupata-s as a MP3 file): https://app.box.com/s/3wx313rfm8wijnpiv42f1q8r8z9zg2vu
Part 1, 1st addendum (early legends and iconography of Rudra): https://app.box.com/s/iqt7g7vye7c9z9tvb314swljh3um9eem
Part 1, 2nd addendum (deployment of rudra mantra-s in vaidika rituals; give a brief account of rājagavī-homa the animal sacrifice to rudra in the somayāga, the somārudrā ritual, the abhicāra ritual invoking rudra against enemy’s cattle, apotropaic rituals for protection again rudra’s attack (rudraḥ paśūn/prajāḥ śamāyeta), atharvavedīya mṛgāreṣṭi, and paippalāda tuṃburu-yāga): https://app.box.com/s/zg2v7zr3b36ckps4xo1i6fzavmzow8qb
Filed under: Heathen thought, History Tagged: shaiva, shiva